Thursday, July 23, 2009

My first step into the 'Blog' world

On my first note, I would like to say a special thank you to my wonderful husband Adrian for his help with the design of my blog. I really love it and the colours really scream out 'Sis'. Funny enough, it was the same look I had for our wedding back in 2008.

So, it seems that I'm actually doing this. I'm becoming a food blogger like many thousands already out there. I thought to myself, well why not? I really enjoy reading my close friends (as well as random people) blog's and you can really learn so much more about them than an email or facebook.

One of my passions in life is food. Eating it, cooking it and finding new ways of using it. I thought I'll take this opportunity share with my friends (and anyone interested) how I like my food and what gets me excited.

Im really pumped about it all, hopefully I can keep the momentum.

Stay tuned for more!

Sis x