Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mee Rebus @ Ananas Cafe

New adventures mean new discoveries.

On a day when I needed to go from Kembangan MRT to the next station on the East West line, Bedok MRT. I find myself taking a detour as a result of taking a different bus.

After, the long journey I find myself at the end of the MRT line at Pasir Ris.
So late in the day already and in need of some food. I sit down at an outdoor eatery underneath the MRT.

At that stage I knew I wanted something spicy given the fact that I had just travelled for one hour on two buses to end up back on the MRT line.

I order Mee Rebus ($2.50) and take a seat at Ananas Cafe.
I'd never heard of the dish before, I suspected that it is a Malay dish given the fact the Nasi Lemak was also on offer.
The noodle soup looked really good when it came out. Hokkien noodles and an egg served with a thick gravy that tasted sweet, spicy and sour all in the same mouthful. The flavours were enhanced with local limes and chopped up local green peppers on top.

The added crunch from the bits of fried beancurd, fried onion and fresh Chinese celery stalks made it extraordinary.

This dish has by far superseded laksa and assam laksa in my books.

When you get a good mee rebus, you just want more and more of it.

The dish is in fact Malay - meaning boiled noodles in English
Mee Rebus

P.S Since having Mee Rebus at Ananas Cafe, Ive had some traumatic experiences with other vendors leaving me a little hesitant to try this dish anywhere else.

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