Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thai Savoury Tapioca Balls @ Diandin Leluk

I'm so glad to be able to start the new year with a favourite Thai snack of mine.

Since having returned from my overseas trip and getting a change to revisit Bangkok, I've found that I now see Thai people in a new light.

Bangkok is in fact a very congested city however there is a lively energy that permeates through it. The people there really know how to deliver for good food.

Which is why I am exciting to be back and excited to relocate from Siglap to the Golden Mile Complex. A well known institute for very authentic Thai food. Awesome!

Walking through the complex each time, my mouth waters thinking of all the delicacies on offer, though today I was particular excited to find Sa Ku, a savoury tapioca ball filled with turnips and nuts.

I can recall loving to eat this when I lived at my parent's house, though now it seems to be a rare delicacy as it had been hard to find since on my own.

Sa Ku is eaten wrapped in a lettuce leaf with coriander and chilli. The texture is glutinous and the filling is some what like the preserved turnip used in Singapore's Popiah.

I would definitely say that it is an acquired taste. In saying that, it's sounds very much like a typical Asian snack.

There is an amazing assortment of prepacked snacks and dessert from Diandian Leluk, in the Golden Mile Complex. I'm so glad it's now my local.

Recipe for Sa Ku


  1. I don't really like these hey. They taste funny.

  2. Hi Sisamone,

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  4. well.. I thing tasting it could be an interesting experience

  5. This looks tasty and beautiful. Thanks for the recipe. I will make it this weekend
