Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saved by Tropical Fruit

I just came back from a horrible breakfast at LTN food village. It was my fault really, I should have known that choosing rice with fried chicken wings for breakfast would put a bad start to my day.

I had three dishes, fried chicken, sambal beans and tofu custard. The only thing that was enjoyable was the tofu custard though by that point it was still unsatisfying.

With my thoughts still on food I went to buy some fruit. I love eating fruit, particular the tropical kind.

Today, I had Thai honey mango and Thai rose apple. It was really refreshing and may I add healthy. I really couldn't risking eating another bad thing.

If you haven't had a rose apple before, I would say that it is across between a nashi and a quince. It's crisp and sweet like a nashi but then is slightly dry and tart like a quince.

The honey mango is not a sweet and the normal variety but I liked the slight sourness of it. I just wish I had some chilli salt to sprinkle on top of it.

1 comment:

  1. jealous! tropical fruits in Australia a pretty shit hey? our mangoes are good though.
