Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thai Savoury Tapioca Balls @ Diandin Leluk

I'm so glad to be able to start the new year with a favourite Thai snack of mine.

Since having returned from my overseas trip and getting a change to revisit Bangkok, I've found that I now see Thai people in a new light.

Bangkok is in fact a very congested city however there is a lively energy that permeates through it. The people there really know how to deliver for good food.

Which is why I am exciting to be back and excited to relocate from Siglap to the Golden Mile Complex. A well known institute for very authentic Thai food. Awesome!

Walking through the complex each time, my mouth waters thinking of all the delicacies on offer, though today I was particular excited to find Sa Ku, a savoury tapioca ball filled with turnips and nuts.

I can recall loving to eat this when I lived at my parent's house, though now it seems to be a rare delicacy as it had been hard to find since on my own.

Sa Ku is eaten wrapped in a lettuce leaf with coriander and chilli. The texture is glutinous and the filling is some what like the preserved turnip used in Singapore's Popiah.

I would definitely say that it is an acquired taste. In saying that, it's sounds very much like a typical Asian snack.

There is an amazing assortment of prepacked snacks and dessert from Diandian Leluk, in the Golden Mile Complex. I'm so glad it's now my local.

Recipe for Sa Ku

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Otak Otak in Penang

I'm in Penang right now and have spent a good deal trying to find new dishes that I can't get in Singapore.

It seems that Singapore has acquired much of the Malaysian favourites but I have discovered that the Malay's do it better.

I had a wonderful otak otak on a side street called 'new lane' yesterday. It was presented as a pyramid wrapped banana leaf, and contained the most lightest fish mouse. The texture was so delicate yet the flavours were robust with aromatics and a rich curry taste. The mouse on it's own was the highlight though it was nice to get a decent amount of fish pieces and herbs throughout.

I really enjoyed this version. It reminds me of a Lao dish 'mok pa' that I love. The size of it was fantastic. I've only seen it in Singapore, long and flat making it hard to get a true sense of the moussey texture it really should be.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Roast Pork @ Espirito Santo

Today is my birthday.
It is the day turn 30 and I'm actually quite excited by it all.

It happens to be a public holiday tommorrow so I'm looking forward to leaving for a long weekend to Bintan Island later in the day.

Bintan is part of Indonesia and only one hour by ferry.

I wanted to make sure I didn't repeat yesterday's events and look to eat something that will be sure to satisfy. My mind was on eggs benedict with smoked salmon though I didn't know of a place near East Coast that does a good all day breakfast.

Instead I went to Espirito Santo at Parkway Parade to have the roast pork panini. I had have this before and really enjoy it.

I must say that I love all versions of roast pork and this one was served on a soft panini roll with melted cheese, pickles, mustard and tomato, with fries and salad on the side.There was plenty of pork crackle so lots to feel guilty about.

Okay, so it's probably not the best thing to eat when entering your 30's but its a simple pleasure that makes me happy.

Espirito Santo is a gourmet butcher which also has cafe. The menu and quality of the food is really exceptional.

The place is owned by a Brazilian expat. You can always trust a Brazilian when it comes to meat.

Visit Espirito Santo

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saved by Tropical Fruit

I just came back from a horrible breakfast at LTN food village. It was my fault really, I should have known that choosing rice with fried chicken wings for breakfast would put a bad start to my day.

I had three dishes, fried chicken, sambal beans and tofu custard. The only thing that was enjoyable was the tofu custard though by that point it was still unsatisfying.

With my thoughts still on food I went to buy some fruit. I love eating fruit, particular the tropical kind.

Today, I had Thai honey mango and Thai rose apple. It was really refreshing and may I add healthy. I really couldn't risking eating another bad thing.

If you haven't had a rose apple before, I would say that it is across between a nashi and a quince. It's crisp and sweet like a nashi but then is slightly dry and tart like a quince.

The honey mango is not a sweet and the normal variety but I liked the slight sourness of it. I just wish I had some chilli salt to sprinkle on top of it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Handmade Noodles with Minced Meat @ LTN Food Village

LTN Food Village doesn't sound all that exciting but it happens to be my local food centre.

It's on 936 East Coast Rd, Siglap open 24 hours and I like to think of it as my extended dining room.

We practically eat out for every meal, so it's nice to be able to feel at home somewhere.

I had a dish today that was very exciting. It was minced meat tossed with fermented soya bean. Served on fresh crispy cucumber and hand made noodles ($4).

This dish was superb. The guy who owns the stall hand makes the noodles and dumpling. I'm actually intrigued by him every time I visit, he is quite a gentle man and has the physique of a former ballet dancer. All I know about him is he can cook.

I always like ordering this dish as the fermented soya bean taste reminds me of my mum cooking. This particular version is really nice as it was not over powering and you can taste the freshness of the garlic, ginger and chilli with the cucumber staying crisp. The texture of the noodles is also cooked al dente.

It is a very traditional Chinese dish but you could also take this as a light noodle salad. It was so good!

P.S I was told by a friend that this stall is actually pretty famous for their handmade noodle soups.

I have had their soups and am not convinced.

I can say that the minced meat noodle and steamed Shanghai dumpling have been perfected.

Creme Brulee @ Laurent Bernard Chocolatier

Last night was a fun night. I had asked Adrian to plan the night for us and he suggested we go to Mohamed Sultan Rd.

This area was new to me. Looking back, I kind of feel dumb assuming that the fun stopped at Clarke Quay.

I was in an area called Robertson Quay, it was fantastic. The atmosphere very chilled out and there were some restaurants I'm keen to go back and try. There was also a piazza area, which reminded me of the Lygon St Forum in Sydney.

We had met a friend for dinner and he suggested we go to Laurent Bernard Chocolatier for dessert. I loved having local on the team, nice one Jeremy!!
The creme brulee had a nice thick crackle of caramel toffee and the soft centre was not too sweet or eggy.

Okay, it was good though have to admit it wasn't life changing.
I think I might have been a little high from soaking up too much of the great atmosphere.

Visit Laurent Bernard Chocolatier

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Breakfast this week

Breakfast this week has been exciting.

One savoury, hummus & salami
One sweet, Rose's lime jam

This has meant that I've actually been eating breakfast at home.

Last week, we only had vegemite in the cupboard so I often made an excuse to eat out.

The salami is actually one from France.

I'm guilty of leaving my patriotism for Australian products at the equator. There is so much Australia produce here and the prices are alot more then they are back at home.

I'd rather pay ridiculous prices to try food imported from different parts of the northern hemisphere. The salami was actually $69 a kilo. I really should be getting serrano jamon for that price.